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Tag: Amusing
Tips for Life, Vol.1
I drink a lot of tea and coffee, thus mugs are one of the items that tend to join me in my frequent travels; but I wasn’t always a mug user. Thanks to this handy instructional video, though I was able to master the delicate art of mug use and ownership:
Nice Tray
Oh Pee-wee, how I’ve missed you: Pee-wee Gets An iPad! from Pee-wee Herman Personally, I’m pretty satisfied with my MBP and iPad Nano so far, but we shall see…
Mission to Mars
Yesterday, I went to Mars… I was out of milk…
Generally I try and avoid brief posts about random novelties, but this is just too cool to pass up. People, have you seen the ToneMatrix? Seriously, this is such a neat application– simple, elegant and just plain fun!
Sim sim salabim
When I was a kid, one of the best things about the weekend was the extra hours one could spend running around outside but more importantly it was the CARTOONS! Saturday mornings with Tom and Jerry and Looney Tunes provided a solid foundation for my humor later in life; I don’t think I shall ever…
Ode to Neutra
Ever the type-geek, I couldn’t resist sharing this TERRIBLE (terribly AWESOME, that is) video parody: Kind of makes you want to grow a well-kept beard, n’est pas?
Cheese or Font
For whatever reason, I’ve had a tendency over the last three years to avoid general silliness here on AmandaMuses; some of it can be chalked up to an attempt to keep my private self private and allow this site to serve as more of a public sketchbook related to my work. But for those who…
A-C-B spells asthma
This morning, my inbox greeted me with a few reader e-mails; most notably and amusingly, this photo from a reader in the United Kingdom with the caption “There you are:” Ever the fan of found type, especially when it’s a variation on a name or initials, I couldn’t resist sharing the reader’s find. Thanks, folks!…
I spy an answer…
to the game of ‘I spy’: a train! Did you guess the answer, dear readers?
Other world
I’m pretty sure there’s a miniature alien settlement in my yard… I could be wrong, though… it could just be a colony of really artful insects, right…?
Heal the Sick
Earlier this weekend, a reader sent me this photo they snapped on a recent trip to London: They were amused by the odd mission statements or promises of the institution, and thought I might agree that perhaps their aim to “Raise the Dead” was at best inspiring, if a bit creepy.
Don’t call it a comeback
Ok, so this is how hip hop sounds in my head: Seriously. There are not enough positive adjectives to describe how much I love this video– it has help mend my awful, bad day by making it a little better. The history of hip hop in five minutes of “chap hop” with a banjolele? Yes…
Notes like this remind me of how lucky I am to have friends like I do– a little bit of silliness to share a smile. Thank you, Jake, for being such a great friend all these years.
My inner-trickster cannot resist sharing this product with the world: Produced by Oaklandish as a transparent vinyl sticker available for purchase here, this product puts a huge smile on my face today. I’ve always liked their wearables, but I had never seen the sticker until today. My inner twelve-year-old wants to annoy my more conservative…
Out of order?(not if you ask me)
Signs in London
It is always interesting to see what sort of messages a different culture sends out, even one so seemingly similar. Here are a few highlights from a trip to London a few weeks ago:
When I grow up….
This about summarizes my childhood dreams… no really… Ok, maybe not… if only I’d known…. I’d probably be a florist…