Wmotd, Week 1

A few years ago, when I lived in Colorado, Fridays became associated with weird music of the week or day (or wmotd if you will). At least once a week, usually Fridays, I’d share a piece of music with a co-worker who had a pretty brutal workload and crazy schedule in and out of the office. It was my small way of saying “hi” and “thinking of you” without interrupting workflow or productivity and giving them a little entertainment for their afternoon break.

It’s been a few years since we’ve worked together and the weird music has been shared consistently among friends. So today I thought about revisiting this habit and trying to re-introduce it into the mix for 2014 (though I can’t promise all of the music will be weird). And since it’s Friday, here’s your music for the week, enjoy:

Wire & Flashing Lights by Professor Kliq





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