Let’s Talk

Recently, I’ve had a chance to catch up with a number of old friends and have, as a result, been doing a lot of reflecting on the past. Additionally, a number of folks have asked me why I write so little on my blog these days.

Beginning in the summer of 2000 until about ’06 or ’07 I used to write blog posts quite a bit.* I’d write all sorts of goofiness and, in a lot of ways, Twitter has become my place for sharing silly quips and random observations. When I began AmandaMuses in 2007, I had originally intended that the site function as an (experimental) sketchblog and figured I would maintain a separate written blog. As time has marched on, however, I’ve grown reticent online. A side effect of concern over privacy and questioning of the value of or interest in the content I was posting. As a result, I seem to be writing less and less on any manner of blog and this site has become somewhat singular in its focus on daily image exercise postings and occasional article summaries or travel tips.

Based on a number of offline conversations though, I’m beginning to think it’s time get over it and just post more. While I have already planned a number of travel guides for the coming months, more personal writing may be in order.

What do you think, readers? Would you like to see more semi-personal writing here? Or would you rather I stick to image heavy or image-only content?

*In the recent years, I have merged my old blog’s archive with this site and have slowly made quite a few old posts public. Much of my early blogging will remain private, however.






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