Day 20–Stupid Day

What a stupid day! Seriously! Was it 1995 today, I didn’t check my calendar? Did I suddenly switch back to enjoying the blazing fast speed of a 14.4 modem?! I can’t remember– I forgot where I was while watching a simple ZIP archive (AH file, as in ONE) of press-ready files upload for HALF A YEAR after about 2 hours (TWO) of cussing and spitting at ridiculously unresponsive (pronounced USELESS) FTP sites. I’m pretty sure that 10’x10′ banner I designed a few years ago uploaded faster.. y’know all 25gigs, GIGS of it.

Day 20

Do not even get me started about networking events or traffic; JESUS– I’m pretty sure there is a missing army of the undead driving your stolen cars as we speak…






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